
Thursday, February 10, 2011

That Magical Time

I think that every parent and child has a magical time that is just "theirs". Gavin and I's magical time is bath time. We have our perfect little bed time routine so that by the time I lay him down on our bed to get him ready for his bath, he knows exactly what's coming next. He giggles and has a HUGE grin on his face the whole time because he's as excited as I am for what's coming next. When he's in the bath we both laugh and I sing silly songs. Songs so silly that I threaten my husband should he ever tell anyone the lyrics. In the moment that we're finishing up our special little time I always have the exact same thought come into my head, "I can't wait to have another baby". I tell myself that's crazy. Gavin is only 5 months old, but every fiber of my being is screaming and yearning for another one. Then I have to get him into his pajamas, at which time he fusses predictably because our special and magical time is ending for the evening. As those fusses turn into yells, that urge to procreate gets shattered and I come back down to reality. This whole scene happens every night like clockwork.
Anyone else have something like this with their baby?

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