
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mirena, How I Love Thee...

Let me count the ways.

1. I don't ever have to think about birth control. This is crucial because like the women on the commercial, sometimes I can't even remember if I've showered or brushed my teeth. The last thing I need is to forget a pill/patch/ring/shot and end up in a family way right now. It's one less thing to think about and everyone needs one less thing to think about.

2. A 46 day cycle. I know, you hate me. But you too can have the world's longest cycle! Ready for the real cherry on top? When the lady comes to visit, she just spots for a few days and then goes on her way. It's something I've dreamed about since I was 13 and now it's reality! Squeee!

3. We can't make an impulse decision to get pregnant again. I can't just stop taking a pill and BOOM! Nope, it has to be a well thought out process that involves creating an appointment and seeing the OB/GYN. I'm not doing all that unless I'm real serious. I haven't seen the optometrist in over a year and I have vision insurance if that gives you an idea of how bad I am at going to the doctor. And they're open on the weekend. I need something to control my impulses. See previous post.

Okay, that's only 3. But those are three damn good reasons. Thank you to the maker of Mirena. I puffy heart you forever and ever and ever!

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