
Monday, January 31, 2011

McFatty Monday

So I wanna be like Ms. Heir to Blair in many many ways. Today I will be like her in at least one way (yay!). I will post a McFatty Monday blurb.

I started Weight Watchers when the little one was 6 weeks old. I was 135 lbs. *Insert twisted up lemon face here*. Weight Watchers has been pretty awesome and I've paid really good attention to what I eat and have lost....10 LBS!!!

And now my body says it's done. Great.

My fabulous employer has come to my rescue by offering WW at work! So I can go to meetings AT WORK!!! Having a baby at home means it would have been almost impossible to go to meetings outside of work, so this is pretty amazing, but not as amazing as the price tag....$0!!! Yes, they are paying for it IN FULL! I guess they don't want any McFatties walking around the office!

So, our meetings are on Wednesdays which kinda messes me up becuase I've always weighed in Monday mornings and it keeps me honest all weekend. I'll continue to do my Monday weigh-ins and my meeting weigh-ins because at the work weigh-ins, you have to wear your shoes and clothes, which we all know adds like a bazillion pounds, so it's not really fair. I wish run-on sentences counted as activity points...*sigh*

In all seriousness though, having it at works makes me really accountable. There's no bringing in Taco Bell or packing total junk or eating just one more Munchkin off someone's desk...because your fellow WW folk are always watching...and they're not afraid to call me all.


Beth Anne said...

First, do not be silly - I am a big ol' goober ;)

Second, YAY. That is so awesome about your office - I really, really wish mine did some similar but nope. & I busted out laughing at run-on sentences counting as activity posts...if that was true, I'd be Gisele.

Emily said...

I'm a goober too. Perhaps that's why I'm such a fan. Goobers unite!

Gisele...what a bitch...*sigh*