
Friday, November 11, 2011

Y3W: Go Tar Heels!

Today is Veterans Day (duh) and I would like to take a moment to thank all of our veterans and their families for their service, especially my husband Robert, who served in the Navy during the Persian Gulf War.

Its also the first game of the UNC basketball season and it happened on an aircraft carrier and the PRESIDENT was there. Could you get more patriotic? Me thinks not. Oh, and the boys in blue brought home the W and the trophy. What a great way to celebrate our armed forces and kick off not only the basketball season, but also the weekend.

In other good news, Wilson Ramos has been found alive. I couldn't be happier for his family and friends. I only hope that the pattern of kidnappings in Venezuela stops as soon as possible. I is deeply saddening and unacceptable. I hate that my family lives in a country that has to struggle with that reality.

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